Today, I did my first liver cleanse for 2018. I had to do to it because in last two months I had a pain in the liver area. I knew it that I had to do it. It seems my twice year liver cleanse made a room for other stone to come in on the place of the old ones.
However, I find my self more relaxed after the liver cleanse. Everything what was accumulated in the liver for the last six months is now removed. I don't put pictures of stones because it so boring. The stones are the same as the previous, not something exciting.
My symptoms, chest pain and others, are now under control I'm doing moderate exercises in the gym and feel much stronger. The liver cleanse is just like oil and filter change on the car.We should do that for the car, why not for our self?
I hope my writings will encourage others to do the same thing. It is not very pleasant to drink four doses of Epson salt, one dose of olive oil and grapefruit, and to colon cleanse after that. At least the readers can be aware with this whole procedure we are decreasing the risk to get some type of cancer. This the only hard core way to remove toxins out of the body. There are also soft ways as to drink every morning one table spoon of olive oil and lemon juice and the effects are similar. Olive oil start to contract the liver and the liver is cleaning all toxins accumulated the previous day. Only thing here is I don't now how to combine it with the coffee :) From other side, it is well known that drinking coffee early inn the morning before the breakfast it is good way how to build up stones in the liver :)
But the human nature is to make it the body to suffer. Otherwise how I will practice liver cleanse twice per year :)
Ok, no more jokes :) I'll be serious now.
After today's liver cleanse and going to toilet, tomorrow I'm doing my colon cleanse at my favorite colon therapist dr. Nikolay.