Thursday, October 23, 2014

Second Post Liver Cleanse

After six months from my last liver cleanse today I did another one.
Everything was same like the previous liver cleanses, preparation period with apple juice, after that two doses of Epsom salt and at 10 pm olive oil and grapefruit.
I went  to the bed immediately, I woke up at 2 am with strong nausea but I did not vomit.
In the morning at 6 am and 8 am I took the last Epsom salt doses.
Bowel movement started after 9 am.
And there was again stones..
Still feeling tired and exhausted but usually afternoon I'm feeling much better.
Tomorrow I'm doing colon cleanse at my favourite Naturopathic doctor.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

First Post Liver Cleanse

After eight liver cleanses and one year break I did again liver cleanse.
And again there were stones.
After this liver cleanse and in two days colon cleanse I feel really great.